Indexing files coda 2
Indexing files coda 2

indexing files coda 2

codadef files, you should let CODA now where these. To access products whose formats are defined using. coda.cursor_read_complex_double_split_array.coda.cursor_read_complex_double_pairs_array.coda.cursor_get_available_union_field_index.coda.cursor_get_record_field_available_status.coda.cursor_get_record_field_index_from_name.coda.cursor_use_base_type_of_special_type.coda.cursor_goto_array_element_by_index.coda.type_get_record_field_available_status.coda.type_get_record_field_hidden_status.coda.type_get_record_field_index_from_real_name.coda.type_get_record_field_index_from_name.coda.get_option_use_fast_size_expressions.coda.get_option_perform_boundary_checks.These packages must be installed in order to be able to use the Python interface. The CODA Python interface depends on the cffi and numpy python packages. It is not recommended to use this interface directly, unless you need to use specific functions that are not available in the high-level interface. The low-level interface contains a direct wrapping (using CFFI) of the CODA C interface.

indexing files coda 2

In addition, there are high-level module functions that resemble the CODA MATLAB and CODA IDL interfaces.

indexing files coda 2

This is the recommended interface to use. The high level interface include an object oriented interface using classes for Products, Cursors, and Types. The CODA Python interface consists of a high-level interface and a low-level interface. The CODA Python interface consists of a Python package 'coda' containing extensive functionality to access data inside product files.

Indexing files coda 2